Free Audiobook – My Own Magic by Anna Kloots

Bibliographic information:

Author: Anna Kloots
Narrated by: Anna Kloots
Release date: May 16, 2023
Audiobook Duration: 9 h 33 min

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BOOK DESCRIPTION: Despite what appeared to be a glamorous existence full of globetrotting adventures, behind the scenes, Anna Kloots felt invisible in her own life. Consumed by a marriage that left no space for her own desires, she chose to reframe the failure of her marriage as an opportunity to begin again. Now, for every woman searching for her voice, Anna shares her story of starting over by trusting the magic that was always within.

It was Anna Kloots’s innate sense of adventure and love for the unknown that led her to move abroad, travel to eighty countries around the world, start a business, and marry a magician, all before her midtwenties. From the outside, her jet-setting lifestyle alongside her husband looked perfect. But as she explored deeper, and let each destination challenge, change, and shape her, Anna began to realize that perfection was just another illusion.

Though she appeared to have all the freedom in the world, in reality, she was trapped inside a box, slowly disappearing. When her marriage ended, Anna decided to use her unhappy ending as a chance for a new beginning.

Following Anna’s extensive travels from the bustling streets of Jaipur to the canals of Venice to the desert of Dubai, My Own Magic is a true, coming-of-age story about a woman rediscovering the magic that was always inside her. Anna’s memoir is proof that travel can transform you, inspire you, and even save you.

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