Seen, Loved and Heard by Tabitha Brown

Bibliographic information:

Author: Tabitha Brown
Narrated by: Tabitha Brown
Release date: March 28, 2023
Pages: 192
Audiobook Duration: 00 h 56 min

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BOOK DESCRIPTION: A beautiful and inspirational full-color journal from Tabitha Brown, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Feeding the Soul (Because It’s My Business)

In her beloved book Feeding the Soul, Tabitha Brown made readers feel seen, loved, and heard, sharing the knowledge she’s gained from her own journey in life. Now, in this gorgeous keepsake journal, Tab invites readers to think more deeply about their own life paths, and how to live in more love and happiness. Readers will be drawn in to write on each creatively illustrated, uplifting page, with:

  • Dozens of thought-provoking writing prompts in Tabitha’s encouraging voice
  • Charming and colorful illustrations
  • Motivational and inspirational “Tabisms”
  • Space for readers to write in their own stories, hopes, and dreams–and make the journal their own!

This soul-healing journal encourages readers to take some time to reflect on their own sources of joy and hope, spirituality, self-image, and peace, and to look back on when they want to appreciate how far they’ve come and what insights they’ve gained in their own journeys.

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