Paw-ful Premonition by Danielle Garrett Audiobook Free Listen Online

Bibliographic information:

Author: Danielle Garrett
Narrated by: Amanda Ronconi
Release date: June 25, 2024
Audiobook Duration: 5 h 58 min

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BOOK DESCRIPTION:  Aunt Lavender is gearing up for the quest of a lifetime, while I’m settling into life in my newly renovated home and dreaming of long summer days spent on the lake.

However, with the appearance of two old rivals in Winterspell and a harrowing premonition, our dreams fall into jeopardy.

Selene has to prove herself right (naturally…), and before I know it, I’m chasing her furry behind smack dab into the middle of a cutthroat world of scheming adventure-seekers, who will do anything for their next big thrill.

Let’s just hope she has an escape plan.

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