Til Death Do Us Part by Nicole Fox Audiobook Free Listen Online

Bibliographic information:

Author: Nicole Fox
Narrated by: Marie Hawkins,Bradley Ford
Release date: July 2, 2024
Audiobook Duration: 7 h 18 min

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BOOK DESCRIPTION: My fake husband is trying to take my baby away.

The Kornilov Bratva brothers ruined my life.

Fedor attacked me and shattered my innocence. Then his brother Viktor forced me into a fake marriage I never asked for.

Now, I’m caught in the middle of a war between them. And if that’s not enough . . . It turns out I’m pregnant again.

One baby by each brother. Two sides of a bloody conflict that can only end in death and destruction.

But I know one thing for certain: I’ll pay any price it takes to keep my children safe. Even if that price is my life.

Contains mature themes.

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