Worth Seeing by Amy L. Williams Audiobook Free Listen Online

Bibliographic information:

Author: Amy L. Williams
Narrated by: Amy L. Williams
Release date: June 25, 2024
Audiobook Duration: 5 h 47 min

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BOOK DESCRIPTION: “We are in the business of seeing others, seeing them the way God sees them, and letting them know they have value.”
Amy L. Williams has spent three decades doing ministry with youth in gangs and prisons. While most of society sees high-risk youth through lenses of fear or disregard, she has come to see them through God’s eyes as having tremendous value and potential. Worth Seeing provides an up-close look at her work—successes, losses, lessons and embarrassing mistakes. Through personal narrative, Amy reveals the lives of youth who are often pushed to the margins of society. Her storytelling both challenges perceptions and increases compassion and understanding, not just with youth, but all people. Practical tips equip you to take action to see others the way God sees them.

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