Mao’s America by Xi Van Fleet Audiobook Free Listen Online

Bibliographic information:

Author: Xi Van Fleet
Narrated by: Ava Wong, Xi Van Fleet, James Lindsay
Release date: October 31, 2023
Audiobook Duration: 8 h 56 min

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BOOK DESCRIPTION: An inspiring survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China makes a passionate case that history is eerily repeating itself as the Woke Revolution spreads across America. 

Xi Van Fleet lived through the horrors of the Chinese Cultural Revolution as a schoolgirl. Forced to the countryside with other young Chinese for re-education after high school, she later escaped communism and found freedom and new a life in America. But more than 30 years later, Xi disturbingly sees signs of the same Cultural Marxism that ravaged her birth country of China threatening to destroy the America she now calls home.

​This is her dire warning to the United States.

Xi compellingly tells the story of two Cultural Revolutions: one driven by Mao during her childhood and the one unfolding in today’s America from the progressive left. With captivating personal stories and extensive historic research, Xi reveals the stunning similarities of these two revolutions. This fascinating book shows readers that both revolutions:

  • Use Marxist tactics of division, indoctrination, deception, coercion, cancelation, subversion and violence.
  • Aim to destroy the foundation of the traditional culture to replace it with Marxist ideologies.
  • Weaponize youth, using them as their means to an end.
  • Share the same goal of achieving absolute power at the expense of the people.
  • Lead to the same ending: loss of freedom and totalitarian rule.

Readers will be captivated by the riveting personal story of a Chinese immigrant to the United States who overcame fear and reluctance to get involved in the movement to save America. Her political activism begins with a school board speech in 2021 against Critical Race Theory in Loudoun County, Virginia that unexpectedly goes viral and ignites national media attention. Xi now devotes her life to educating the American public on the shocking parallels between these two revolutions.

Because only when Americans understand what is really happening will they rise up and resist the communist takeover of America. 

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