Free Audiobook – Alpha Attacked by Eve Langlais

Bibliographic information:

Author: Eve Langlais
Narrated by: Juniper Young
Release date: January 24, 2023
Pages: 224
Audiobook Duration: 4 h 20 min

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BOOK DESCRIPTION: This wolf is biting the bullet of love.

Working in the ER, Maeve has seen some weird stuff, like the guy with numerous gunshot wounds who literally hops off the operating table and walks out. Which isn’t as strange as the people who claim they saw a wolf running out the main doors of the hospital. All par for the course on a full-moon shift.

What Maeve doesn’t know is she saved the life of the local Alpha.

Griffin is tough, and those who tried to kill him will regret their failure, because he is now out for revenge. The problem is identifying the enemy. Is it the rival wolf gang over the river, or a stranger trying to steal his Pack?

The answer appears to be tangled up with the doctor who operated on him. A woman with a delectable scent—and secrets.

What does Maeve have to do with the violence targeting his Pack?

And what will the sexy doctor say when she realizes he doesn’t just howl in bed?

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